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Matco Asia is TRACE Certified




“TRACE has successfully completed a TRACEcertification due diligence review of Matco Asia Pte. Ltd. TRACE has granted Matco Asia Pte. Ltd.  a certificate signifying that the company has completed internationally accepted due diligence procedures and has been forthcoming and cooperative during the review process. TRACEcertification underscores Matco Asia Pte. Ltd. commitment to transparency in international commercial transactions.” 


TRACE International is a non-profit business organization that pools resources to provide members with anti-bribery compliance support. TRACE members include hundreds of multinational corporations, as well as thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises throughout the world, working to increase transparency in international business transactions. TRACE International is the world’s leading anti-bribery standard setting organization and works with TRACE Incorporated to offer both members and non-members customizable due diligence, training and advisory services. With a shared mission to advance commercial transparency, TRACE International and TRACE Incorporated provide companies with one complete anti-bribery and third party compliance solution.

TRACE Certification ID: TC4152-2544

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